When it comes to brand growth and success, I cannot over-emphasize the role of customer success. This department is charged with ensuring your customers have the best experience with your band. They ensure that the customers fall in love with you.
To effectively achieve this, there are 3 core pillars that guarantee a successful customer experience and they are; People, Product, and Process.
In this article, we will be focusing on people.
The customers and staff that interact with them make up ‘people’ is a common misconception.
‘People’ do not only refer to your workforce and customers but all other human interaction involved in achieving brand success.
People include but are not limited to:
The whole essence of brand success is hinged on people; how they relate with your brand & their perception of your brand. While you might own the brand, they run the show as most things are centered around them.
Recruiting Good People
This is crucial to brand success, as having a bad team is a perfect recipe for disaster.
The best of products and services cannot make up for the role of people in creating a great customer experience. This includes people-centered delivery. A few brands confuse ‘staff friendliness’ and ‘good customer service’ as the same thing. While It is true that having good staff is one of the key elements to a customer service program, being friendly is just one aspect of that. You are always to bring your A-game and ensure the continuous delivery of quality products and services.
You owe it to your band and customers to excel at your job. While no one is perfect, I believe there is always room for improvement as long as you are willing and open to learning. One of my favorite quotes is about being a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday. Comprehensive and continuous training will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a significant change for the better.
As an organization, you are only able to grow and become as successful as the customers experience your brand offers. When 'people' (support staff) are afforded the trust and authority to make the best decisions within their area of responsibility and they are adequately rewarded for it, this must be considered as an integral component for brand success.
It is not enough to be good, aim to be exceptional in carrying out your role and duties as this will put your brand on the map and stand you out from the crowd.